FLAT FEE MLS Listing In Washington for $285
$285 MLS listing fee includes:
1. Professional listing in the Multiple Listing Service that covers your area for six months with up to 40 photos*
2. Listing on Realtor.com, zillow, redfin, etc. with photo gallery
3. Listing on many real estate sites that displays MLS listings (Realtor.com, Redfin, zillow, etc.)**
4. You may make changes to your listing at any time, including photo change without charge
5. Purchase agreement and addenda included upon request
6. All Forms & Disclosures as required by state and federal law
7. Assistance with Offers Available available for $1200
8. Lock boxes are available to rent for $95
9. For Sale Sign available for $35
CLICK HERE TO Place your MLS Listing Order
*Upon placing your MLS order, you will receive the MLS Listing forms via DocuSign to complete and electronically sign. If you would like to review the listing agreement prior to your order, or have any questions with the process, email stacie@list4flatfee.com and include the property address. Stacie Whitfield, founder of FlatList.com will be listing your property with brokerage, List4FlatFee.com, LLC. She is the founder and owner of FlatListingFee.com, Inc. (aka FlatList.com) and licensed Washington real estate broker and owner/founder of List4FlatFee.com, LLC.
Read pamphlet "Real Estate Brokerage In Washington"
Click here to to read about the new law regarding compensation
How the Flat Fee MLS Service Works
*40 photos allowed in NWMLS and 48 in RMLS, and 25 in Spokane and Tri-Cities MLS
** Most information and photos show within a few hours on public sites, however, we can't guarantee that public sites will show all photos and content of your mls listing, nor the time frame in which they post it. Our listings are available to the public sites to post on their website depending on their download schedules.