Our Flat Fee MLS Service in Alabama is $399 and Includes the following:
MLS Listing for Six Months
25 Photos (Seller to provide photos)
Syndication to Zillow, Trulia, Realtor, Redfin, and more
Cancel Anytime without charge
Free changes to your listing (other companies charge for changes)
All state and federal disclosures provided
You may offer a buyer's agent commssion, but it is NOT required.
Ready to get started? Order an MLS Listing in Alabama, CLICK HERE
Upon placing your order, you will receive an email from our affiliate, licensed Alabama Broker, Bill Johnson (Alabama Licensed Broker) which will include the MLS listing forms and instructions. All real estate brokerage services advertised are fulfilled by Bill Johnson. If you have questions, please email us. CLICK HERE for more information on listing FSBO in your local Reatlor's Multiple Listing Service